Excelling in College

Three Factors In Determining What Medical School You Should Attend

by Raul Davis

As you are looking at where you want to go to medical schools, there are several things to consider. Because this will help to define your career, you will want to make a great decision. Here are three things that should factor in to your decision to attend a medical school:

How Much Pressure Do You Want to Be Under?

It can be an extraordinary challenge to get into medical schools in the United States. Because of the demand, schools can be picky, so they choose only those applicants with high MCAT scores and GPAs. If you don't want the stress of being the best of the best, consider going to a medical school in the Caribbean. They give an excellent education, but they aren't as challenging to enter. When you go to school in the Caribbean, you can get by with good grades and a good MCAT and still get into medical school. Due to the projected doctor shortage, physicians are in high demand and you can still get a great job even if you aren't going to one of the top schools in the nation.

Experience a Different Life

Where you go to medical school, you will be choosing more than just a place to learn. You'll also be choosing a neighborhood and a place to set down some roots for the next few years. Use this opportunity to experience something new and unique, as you may not get this chance again. You will also want to factor in the cost of living as you go to school. Highly urban areas will be more expensive to live in, whereas rural and suburban areas will have lower costs of living. Foreign schools, such as St. Martinus University, can have a significantly lower cost of living and be inexpensive enough that you can have some niceties like maid service while you are in school.

What Specialty Will You Practice?

While it is important to narrow your school based on the specialty you want to practice, also take a look at where the schools you are considering send their students for residency. Make sure that they both have good opportunities for you to specialize in the field you want to so that you can get out of school and immediately start building up a practice. Often, your residency location can be a great opportunity for a place for you to set up your practice, as you will have built a network there during your time in school.

As you consider these three things, you'll be well prepared for the rigors of medical school as well as your future practice.
